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What is this project?  how to get involved!

This is a 5sos tour project for the Uk&Ireland leg of sounds live feels live. The concept for this project is that each date will receive a different colour version of the new broken scene logo on a printout sheet to hold up during 'Shes Kinda Hot'! The colours for each date go in order and by the end will have created a rainbow. The last show of the leg (Dublin 27th April) will have a different sheet with all of the colours which says that the UK&Ireland are proud to be a part of the new broken scene.

Why are we doing this project?

The idea is to show how proud the UK&Ireland are to be part of the NBS and how no matter who you are, you can be a part of it. All the colours represent how many different types of amazing people there are in this fandom and how when we all come together they we create something as beautiful as a rainbow!

It's also an amazing and unique way too show 5sos how thankful we are for giving us an amazing album which is inspiring and something they worked so hard on!

As well as being something personal to the Uk&Ireland, where we can prove to everyone that even though we are only a little part of the world, we are powerful, dedicated and we do matter!



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